Wednesday, April 21, 2010

routine exercise for washboard ABS...

Alternate Workout A and B, training 3 times per week; then complete 20 minutes of high intensity sprints or other interval training (Workout C) one other day per week for a total of four workouts per week (e.g. Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat = A/B/A/C). Following this example, the following week would look like this: Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat = B/A/B/C. You would follow this type of example training program for 4-6 weeks and then switch to an alternative program for another 4-6 weeks. I recommend printing out or photocopying the example training programs and bringing them with you to the gym to follow along. Or, use your imagination and create your own similar training programs comprised mainly of the multi-joint exercises listed in this book. Remember that in all of these example programs, you should be using heavy enough weights that challenge you to complete the prescribed number of reps and sets. Try to get in the habit of finishing each workout with a 3-5 minute stretching session for all your major muscle groups. Stretching should always be done at the end of your workouts when your muscles are fully warm. Stretching before your workouts actually reduces muscular strength during weight training, so leave flexibility training for the end of your workouts.
Workout A
Functional warm-up (5-7 minutes):
2 minutes stationary bike (lubricates lower body joints)
Straight leg bridge with double leg curl on stability ball (1 x 10)
Straight leg bridge with single leg curl on stability ball (1 x 6 with each leg)
Opposite raise from four-point or push-up position (1 x 5 from each side)
Medicine ball or cable lateral chopping on stability ball (1 x 6 with each side)
Reverse back/hip extensions on stability ball (1 x 8)
Mountain climbers or mountain jumpers (1 x 10 each leg)
Breakdancers (1 x 10 each leg)
Main exercises:
1. Barbell Romanian deadlifts – 2 x 12-14
2. Barbell front squats – 2 x 12-14
3. Wide grip pronated lat pulldowns – 2 x 12-14
4. Walking lunges – up & back 10 steps for 2 sets
5. Barbell bench press – 2 x 12-14
6. Barbell bent over rows – 2 x 12-14
7. Two arm swings – 1 x 25
Ab training (appropriate level for you from section 3.5)
6-8 minute high intensity interval training finish
3-5 minutes stretching all muscle groups
Workout B
Functional warm-up (5-7 minutes, same as Workout A warm-up):
Main exercises:
1. Barbell back squats – 2 x 12-14
2. Overhead dumbbell presses – 2 x 12-14
3. Barbell standard deadlifts – 2 x 12-14
4. One arm dumbbell rows – 2 x 12-14 with each arm
5. Dumbbell step-ups – 2 x 12-14 with each leg
6. Dumbbell bench press – 1 x 12-14
7. One-arm swings – 1 x 20 with each arm
Ab training (appropriate level for you from section 3.5)
8-10 minute high intensity interval training finish
3-5 minutes stretching all muscle groups
Workout C
20-25 minutes of wind sprints, bleacher running, hill running, or other high intensity interval training
3-5 minutes stretching all muscle groups
Example Training Program 2 (Beginner to Intermediate Levels):
Here is another very high intensity type of program that utilizes circuit training with very short rest periods to keep you moving and keep the intensity high. One of the major differences is that these circuits are free weight based and are guaranteed to be much more effective than the typical machine based circuits you see promoted at some clubs. Take only enough rest between exercises just to catch your breath. Alternate workouts A and B every other day for 3 workouts per week (e.g. M/W/F = A/B/A then B/A/B the following week). You can add a fourth day of some other form of training such as interval training, a spinning class, wind sprints, mountain biking, hill running, etc on any day of the week that you wish.
Workout A
5 minute general warm-up or functional warm-up
1. Dumbbell reverse lunges (alternating legs), 10-12 reps with each leg
2. One arm dumbbell rows, 10-12 reps with each arm
3. Dumbbell squat and presses, 10-12 reps
4. Lat pulldowns, 10-12 reps
5. Dumbbell bench presses, 10-12 reps
6. Dumbbell step ups, 10-12 reps
7. Two arm dumbbell swings, 15 reps
Take as little rest as possible between exercises (<30 seconds)
Repeat this circuit of 7 exercises three times
Don’t forget to try to progress on reps or weight on subsequent workouts
Ab training (appropriate level for you from section 3.5)
3-5 minutes stretching all muscle groups
Workout B
5 minute general warm-up or functional warm-up
1. Dumbbell forward lunges (alternating legs), 10-12 reps with each leg
2. Bent over barbell rows, 10-12 reps
3. Dumbbell Romanian deadlifts, 10-12 reps
4. Barbell or dumbbell incline presses, 10-12 reps
5. Box jumps (jump up and down onto step, bench, or box), 20-25 reps
6. One arm dumbbell swings, 10 reps each arm
Take as little rest as possible between exercises (<30 seconds)
Repeat this circuit of 6 exercises three times
Don’t forget to try to progress on reps or weight on subsequent workouts
Ab training (appropriate level for you from section 3.5)
3-5 minutes stretching all muscle groups
Example Training Program 3 (Intermediate to Advanced Levels):
Alternate Workout A and B, training 3 times per week; then complete 20 minutes of high intensity sprints or other interval training (Workout C) one other day per week for a total of four workouts per week (e.g. Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat = A/B/A/C). Following this example, the following week would look like this: Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat = B/A/B/C. Also, you’ll notice that the sets and reps are denoted in three separate stages such as 4 x 5, 5 x 5, 6 x 5. This is an advanced progression. This means that you complete 4 sets of 5 reps with a specific weight the first time you complete workout A. Then, the next time you complete workout A,
you’ll complete 5 sets of 5 reps with the same weight. The next time workout A comes along, you’ll then complete 6 sets of 5 reps with the same weight, thus completing the cycle. Now, the next time you complete workout A, you increase the weight by 5-10 lbs and drop back to 4 sets of 5 reps. This is a great way to increase the volume of work you complete, cycle the intensity of your workouts, and make great progressions over time. It is much easier to make progressions by increasing your training volume via sets, rather than trying to increase the weight or reps each workout. Some of the exercises in this routine are grouped in “supersets”, meaning that you complete the first exercise, take a brief rest, then complete the second exercise. This is one superset. Rest about 60-90 seconds before starting the second superset.
Workout A
Functional warm-up (5-7 minutes):
2 minutes stationary bike (lubricates lower body joints)
Straight leg bridge with double leg curl on stability ball (1 x 10)
Straight leg bridge with single leg curl on stability ball (1 x 6 with each leg)
Opposite raise from four-point or push-up position (1 x 5 from each side)
Medicine ball or cable lateral chopping on stability ball (1 x 6 with each side)
Reverse back/hip extensions on stability ball (1 x 8)
Mountain climbers or mountain jumpers (1 x 10 each leg)
Breakdancers (1 x 10 each leg)
Main exercises:
Superset 1
1a. Barbell clean & presses - 4 x 4, 5 x 4, 6 x 4, increase weight and drop back to 4 x 4, etc.
1b. Wide grip pronated weighted pull-ups – 4 x 5, 5 x 5, 6 x 5 (use lat pulls if you can’t complete 5 pull-ups in good form)
Superset 2
2a. Barbell Front squats - 4 x 5, 5 x 5, 6 x 5
2b. One arm dumbbell rows – 4 x 6, 5 x 6, 6 x 6 (with each arm)
Two arm swings – 2 x 25
Ab training (appropriate level for you from section 3.5)
6-8 minute high intensity interval training finish
3-5 minutes stretching all muscle groups
Workout B
Functional warm-up (5-7 minutes, same as Workout A warmup):
Main exercises:
1a. Romanian deadlifts – 3 x 6, 4 x 6, 5 x 6
1b. Flat barbell bench press – 3 x 6, 4 x 6, 5 x 6
2a. One arm snatches – 3 x 5, 4 x 5, 5 x 5 (with each arm)
2b. Walking dumbbell lunges – up & back 30 yards, rest, repeat for 3-5 sets
8-10 minute high intensity interval training finish
3-5 minutes stretching all muscle groups
Workout C
20-25 minutes of wind sprints, bleacher running, hill running, or other high intensity interval training
3-5 minutes stretching all muscle groups
Example Training Program 4 (Intermediate to Advanced Levels):
Alternate Workout A and B, training 3 times per week; then complete 20 minutes of high intensity sprints or other interval training one other day per week for a total of four workouts per week (e.g. Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat = A/B/A/C). Following this example, the following week would look like this: Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat = B/A/B/C.
Workout A
Functional warm-up (5-7 minutes):
2 minutes stationary bike (lubricates lower body joints)
Straight leg bridge with double leg curl on stability ball (1 x 10)
Straight leg bridge with single leg curl on stability ball (1 x 6 with each leg)
Opposite raise from four-point or push-up position (1 x 5 from each side)
Medicine ball or cable lateral chopping on stability ball (1 x 6 with each side)
Reverse back/hip extensions on stability ball (1 x 8)
Mountain climbers or mountain jumpers (1 x 10 each leg)
Breakdancers (1 x 10 each leg)
Main exercises:
Superset 1
1a. Barbell standard deadlifts - 4 x 4, 5 x 4, 6 x 4
1b. Incline dumbbell presses – 4 x 6, 5 x 6, 6 x 6
Superset 2
2a. Renegade dumbbell rows - 3 x 8, 4 x 8, 5 x 8 (# of reps with each arm)
2b. Weighted dips – 3 x 8, 4 x 8, 5 x 8
One arm swings – 2 x 20 with each arm
Ab training (appropriate level for you from section 3.5)
6-8 minute high intensity interval training finish
3-5 minutes stretching all muscle groups
Workout B
Functional warm-up (5-7 minutes, same as Workout A warmup)
Main exercises:
Superset 1
1a. Dumbbell squat & press – 3 x 6, 4 x 6, 5 x 6
1b. Weighted chin-ups (supinated grip) – 3 x 6, 4 x 6, 5 x 6
Superset 2
2a. Dumbbell step-ups – 3 x 8, 4 x 8, 5 x 8 (with each leg)
2b. Pushups variations - 3 x 10, 4 x 10, 5 x 10
8-10 minute high intensity interval training finish
3-5 minutes stretching all muscle groups
Workout C
20-25 minutes of wind sprints, bleacher running, hill running, or other high intensity interval training
3-5 minutes stretching all muscle groups
Alternate Workout A and B, training 3 times per week; then complete 20 minutes of high intensity sprints or other interval training (Workout C) one other day per week for a total of four workouts per week (e.g. Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat = A/B/A/C). Following this example, the following week would look like this: Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat = B/A/B/C. Also, you’ll notice that the sets and reps are denoted in three separate stages such as 4 x 5, 5 x 5, 6 x 5. This is an advanced progression. This means that you complete 4 sets of 5 reps with a specific weight the first time you complete workout A. Then, the next time you complete workout A,
you’ll complete 5 sets of 5 reps with the same weight. The next time workout A comes along, you’ll then complete 6 sets of 5 reps with the same weight, thus completing the cycle. Now, the next time you complete workout A, you increase the weight by 5-10 lbs and drop back to 4 sets of 5 reps. This is a great way to increase the volume of work you complete, cycle the intensity of your workouts, and make great progressions over time. It is much easier to make progressions by increasing your training volume via sets, rather than trying to increase the weight or reps each workout. Some of the exercises in this routine are grouped in “supersets”, meaning that you complete the first exercise, take a brief rest, then complete the second exercise. This is one superset. Rest about 60-90 seconds before starting the second superset.
Workout A
Functional warm-up (5-7 minutes):
2 minutes stationary bike (lubricates lower body joints)
Straight leg bridge with double leg curl on stability ball (1 x 10)
Straight leg bridge with single leg curl on stability ball (1 x 6 with each leg)
Opposite raise from four-point or push-up position (1 x 5 from each side)
Medicine ball or cable lateral chopping on stability ball (1 x 6 with each side)
Reverse back/hip extensions on stability ball (1 x 8)
Mountain climbers or mountain jumpers (1 x 10 each leg)
Breakdancers (1 x 10 each leg)
Main exercises:
Superset 1
1a. Barbell clean & presses - 4 x 4, 5 x 4, 6 x 4, increase weight and drop back to 4 x 4, etc.
1b. Wide grip pronated weighted pull-ups – 4 x 5, 5 x 5, 6 x 5 (use lat pulls if you can’t complete 5 pull-ups in good form)
Superset 2
2a. Barbell Front squats - 4 x 5, 5 x 5, 6 x 5
2b. One arm dumbbell rows – 4 x 6, 5 x 6, 6 x 6 (with each arm)
Two arm swings – 2 x 25
Ab training (appropriate level for you from section 3.5)
6-8 minute high intensity interval training finish
3-5 minutes stretching all muscle groups

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